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源于自然的并行问题解决 - PPSN IX /会议录LNCS-4193

定 价:¥1130.00

作 者: Thomas Philip Runarsson 著
出版社: 崇文书局(原湖北辞书出版社)
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540389903 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available.The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type of material published traditionally includes.—proceedings (published in time for the respective conference)—post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)—research monographs(which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.).


暂缺《源于自然的并行问题解决 - PPSN IX /会议录LNCS-4193》作者简介


 Evolutionary Optimization in Spatio-temporal Fitness Landscapes
 Cumulative Step Length Adaptation on Ridge Functions
 General Lower Bounds for Evolutionary Algorithms
 On the Ultimate Convergence Rates for Isotropic Algorithms and the Best Choices Among Various Forms of Isotropy
 Mixed-Integer NK Landscapes
 How Comma Selection Helps with the Escape from Local Optima
 When Do Heavy-Tail Distributions Help?
 Self-adaptation on the Ridge Function Class: First Results for the Sharp Ridge
 Searching for Balance: Understanding Self-adaptation on Ridge Functions
 Diversity Loss in General Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
 Information Perspective of Optimization
 A Novel Negative Selection Algorithm with an Array of Partial Matching Lengths for Each Detector
 Hierarchical BOA, Cluster Exact Approximation, and Ising Spin Glasses
 Towards an Adaptive Multimeme Algorithm for Parameter Optimisation Suiting the Engineers' Needs
 Niche Radius Adaptation in the CMA-ES Niching Algorithm
 A Tabu Search Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
 cAS: Ant Colony Optimization with Cunning Ants
 Genetic Algorithm Based on Independent Component Analysis for Global Optimization
 hnproved Squeaky Wheel Optimisation for Driver Scheduling
 A Local Genetic Algorithm for Binary-Coded Problems
 Hill Climbers and Mutational Heuristics in Hyperheuristics
 A Multi-level Memetic/Exact Hybrid Algorithm for the Still Life Problem
 Transmission Loss Reduction Based on FACTS and Bacteria Foraging Algorithm
 Substructural Neighborhoods for Local Search in the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
Author Index
