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作 者: (英)普莱斯 编
出版社: 中国政法大学出版社
丛编项: 剑桥政治思想史原著系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787562023777 出版时间: 2003-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Richard Price was eminent Welsh philosopher and Dissentig minister.His politocal pamphlets won him considerable fame in the eighteenth century as a supporter of the American fame in the eighteenth century as a supporter of the American rebels in there struhhle for imdependence,and for the enthusiasm with which he greeted opening events of the French Revolution.It was this enthusiasm which provoked Edmund Burke into writing Reflections on the Revolution in France. Price noteworthy as a defender of freedom of thought(especially on religious matters),asa proponent of parliamentary reform.and as an advocate of a minimalist conception of govermment He espoused the doctrine of natural rights and the principle of self-govermment ,namely that every individual capable of independent judgent has the right to participate in some measure in the govemment of his society,and that every community capable of independence has the right to govem itself.This book is a collection of Price s most important pamphlets of the period 1759-89,and is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction putting Price s work in context,complete bibliographical material a chronology,and biographical notes on persons mentioned in the texts.




Biographical notes
A note on the texts
Britain`s Happiness,and the Proper Improvement of it
Two Tracts on Civil Liberty,the War with America,and the Debtsand Finances of the Kingdon
General Introduction
Observations on the Nature and Civil Liberty , the Principles of Government,and the Fustice and Policy of the War with America
Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty ,and the War with America
A Fast Sermon
Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World
The Evidence for a Future Period of Improvement in the State of Mandind
A Discourse the love of our Country
