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定 价:¥180.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 暂缺
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783833120299 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 精装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  From the rustic mountain cuisine of the Pyrenees that lines the stomach and warms the cockles of the heart in winter, to the light, sun-soaked spring and summer dishes of the Mediterranean South, lovers of French cuisine can revel in the pleasures of good food.In this book, a total of 11 master chefs introduce recipes of varying degrees of difficulty,from elegant appetizers and soups, via typical regional dishes, to enticing desserts. These include oyster fritters, guinea fowl with garlic, and a creme brOlee with Muscatel wine.Readers can follow step-by-step instructions on how to prepare all these delicacies.Planning the perfect menu is child's play with detailed information on the degree ofdifficulty, cooking time, and method. Immerse yourself in the refinement of French cuisine and treat yourself and your guests to delicacies from the land of the gourmet.




List of Recipes
Cold Appetizers
 Langoustine Carpaccio with Asparagus
 Tuna with Zucchini Cream
 Salad of Dried Salt Cod with Bell Peppers and Olives
 Collioure Anchovies with Bell Peppers
 Anchovy Rosettes with Fennel Puree
 Asparagus Salad "Clos Saint-Pierre"
 "Cote d'Azur" Salad with Balsamic Vinegar Dressing
 Marinated Sardines
 Tomato Surprise with Langoustines
Hot Appetizers
Red Mullet with Artichoke Hearts
Cod Puree with Black Truffle Slivers
Stuffed Squid h la Mamie
Artichoke Hearts with Squid
Eggplant Stacks "Maeterlinck"
Lentils and Scallops
Braised Snails and Squid
Fillet of Red Mullet "Le Rouet"
 Oyster Fritters with Noilly Prat
 Bouzigues Oysters with Swiss Chard
 Provenqal Banquet
 Stuffed Vegetables
 Artichoke Millefeuilles with Goat Milk Cheese
 Green Cabbage Rosti with Bacon Sails
 Onion, Olive, and Anchovy Bruschetta with Poached Egg
 Fried Garbanzo Bean Dumplings
 Marseilles Fish Salad
 Catalan Garlic Soup
 Cream of Pumpkin Soup with Chives
 Bouillabaisse "Miramar"
 "Nice" Minestrone with Squid
 Mussels in Cream of Rock Fish Soup
 Shrimp Soup with Polenta
 Vegetable Soup with Pistou
 Broccoli Soup with White Cabbage Roulades
Fish & Seafood
Meat & Poultry
Desserts & Pastries
The Chefs
